Sahaja Yoga - Discover the Peace within |
Balance is the byword of this modern time.
Who doesn't want to remain balanced in the face of the myriad stresses in the world, the
workplace and even at home?
Self-realisation (Spirituality) is the only means to achieve complete balance.
Spirituality means "Knowledge of spirit (Atma)". Spirit is in our hearts. The
knowledge of knowing ourselves that we are Atma is termed as self-realisation (Second
birth), which has always been the ultimate goal of all religions and spiritual traditions
of the world. This can be achieved effortlessly through the process known as |

Shri Nirmala Devi
Founder of Sahaja Yoga, |
Sahaja Yoga, which is an invaluable gift to
humanity given at a time, when thousands across this world are seeking the truth.
When one expresses desire for self-realisation in the presence of Shri Nirmala Devi or Her
photograph, the sacred feminine Kundalini energy - a primordial power seated in the sacrum
(sacred) bone gets awakened and ascends through a system of seven subtle energy centers,
called as Chakras (plexus), existing within every human. Upon piercing through the sixth
subtle chakra called as Agnya (optic chiasm), the ascending Kundalini has inbuilt capacity
to soothe the thinking faculties and allowing the state of thoughtless awareness to
manifest. This manifested state is called as Meditation.
This is not a blind faith but an enlightened faith experienced by thousands of people all
over the world. This can be practiced irrespective of ones age, sex, race, caste or
nationality and is absolutely free. We invite all to experience the joyous state of
self-realisation by attending Sahaja yoga meditation centers held weekly in different
areas of Bangalore on different days. |
Shri Nirmala Devi founded Sahaja yoga on 5th
of May 1970. Her work towards unity and peace has been recognized throughout the world and
acknowledged by awards from different countries including United Nations Peace
Benefits of Sahaja Yoga: |
- Absolutely effortless and natural
way of meditation, thereby Improvement of memory and concentration.
- Improvement in Health and Natural
cure from various addictions.
- Love, peace and harmony in family
life and social relations.
- No need for any sort of rituals,
penances, fasts, asceticism or physical deprivations.
says, "You cannot know the meaning of
your life, until you are connected to the power that created you". |
- Shri Nirmala Devi, Founder of Sahaja Yoga |
For more information... |
Mrs. Vahini
Phone: 6691008
E-mail: [email protected]