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10. Sasankasana (Moon Posture)

  1. Slowly bend the right leg, and keep the heel tight under the buttock.
  2. Bring the left leg under the left buttock. Keep the knees close to each to each other, spine erect, the head, shoulders and buttocks in a vertical line. Rest the palms on the upper part of the thighs or covering the knees. Close the eyes and meditate.
  3. Catch the right hand with the left behind the back.
  4. Bend forwards from the waist; rest the forehead on the ground in front of the knees.
    *Come up through 5 to 8.
Sasankasana(Moon Posture)

BENEFITS: This vitalizes the organs in the abdomen and pelvis and tones up the nervous system especially the lumbosacral nerves. Help in cases of seminal weakness. This can be performed more easily than Yogamudra (5, 3, 4) with the same benefits.




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