New India Assurance Company - Products
Transit Insurance
In todays world of global village, movement of goods from one place to
another is an inevitability. However the goods are susceptible to various risks like
accidents to the carrying vehicle, fire, theft, pilferage, non-delivery, water damage,
taint damage, breakage due to jerks & jolts, human error etc.
Basically there are two types of covers; one called basic, which covers only
accidents to the carrying vehicle and fire. Whereas the other one offers widest cover (all
risks of loss or damage other than excluded). This policy can be taken if you are
shifting your household items on your transfer. Similarly a manufacturing unit can
take an Open policy to take care of its day-to-day dispatches including incoming
materials. The rate depends upon the nature of goods, packing, mode of transport
(road/rail/sea/air etc), distance, coverage opted etc.