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A Lotus pond in the garden......

This week we have something really interesting for you. How often would you have desired to have a lotus pond in your garden. Well, this is something you would have thought is impossible all these days but it isn't so. Just follow the tips below and you can have a beautiful lotus pond in your lawn all for yourself.
Lotus is known as the "flower of purity" and it is a beauty to behold besides adding to the looks of your garden.
This flower known as LOTUS in english is scientifically known as "Nilimbo Newsyfera".

  1. Use a tank of 2 1/2 feet depth and in a place where there is good sunlight.
  2. Favourable months for planting the seeds are from March to May.
  3. Fill the tank with a mixture of compost, dry cowdung powder and sand in layers. Ensure that this is a few inches thick.
  4. Bury root bulbs in about 2 inches from the surface. Root bulbs are ones which enables reproduction.
  5. Pour water above the tubes to 6 to 8 inches height. Increase the amount of water in the tank as the plants     grow.
  6. Use pesticide Sevin only when it is really necessary.

Lotus is a plant which grows fast and thick. The leaves and stem will stand above the water level to quite some height. A lotus plant can be grown out of seeds too.Dry cowdung powder is an ideal manure. An insect attack is rare on a lotus plant.For beauty and also as a natural pest control fishes can be grown along with lotus in a tank. Gold Fishes will lend beauty and control pests in lotus ponds.
Lotus flower is not only used for beautification of garden but also as flower for Pooja and for medicinal purposes.


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