Mission Impossible....... |

The Plot. |
30 million pounds and Stock options.
Thats the villian,s demand. not a hostage crisis. The bad guys have the deadly
Chimera virus and its antidote.
The plan is simple. Release the deadly virus, and generate enough panic. Then make a
pharmaceutical firm sell the only effective anti dote in the market. This will make the
shares of the firm go through the roof. So along with 30 million in cash, the bad guys
want a 51% stake in the firm. Hollywood villlians are getting savvy each day.In tune with
the times. |
The Players
Tom Cruise plays the good guy. Special agent Ethan Hunt on assignment to retrieve the
deadly virus.Cruise wears his hair long, 70s style giving him a taller personna. He
is assisted in his mission by Thandy Newton plays Nyah a petty thief by profession and
also the villains ex moll. Ving Rhaimes plays the stock market savvy villian.
Sir Antony Hopkins is the surprise. In his role as the equivalent of James Bonds
Mr.M.he has been wasted.
John Woo, the director who has been credited with redefining Hollywood action, is not at
his best.
Considering that the script and plot dont have much to offer, John has to make do
with only the action sequences. Of which the film has lot to offer.
Cruise has also co- produced the movie
The Highlights
The ariel shots are excellent and plenty. With Cruise cliffhanging in the Rockies
to swooping shots of the beautiful Sydney harbour. A short stint at Seville Spain promises
some exotic moments but the weak plot fails to deliver. Cuise andNewman struggle to create
a spark. They try to fall in love. But fall flat instead. Woos as terrible with
romantic scenes as Ms.Newman is with her wooden expressions
Woo sparkles in the lab scenes. With microscopic graphic shots of the deadly virus eating
through the red blood cells.
In the fight sequence at the end Woo goes overboard with Cruise doing an Akshay Kumar act
Bollywood style.
Technically an excellent film. The action never stops. Except when Cruise and Newman try
theirhand at romance.
Don't miss the soundtrack album. It's a good buy and is available in most music stores in
the city.
The Verdict.
This film is strictly for the action lovers. If you are looking for drama and plots this
you can skip this. If you are a John Woo fan, 'Broken Arrow' and 'Face Off' were better
films Nothing to keep you engrossed, even the slow motion scenes.