Life Style Education Health Care Tourism Industries Government Housing Finance

First Aid Equipment

A home First Aid Kit must contain the following items:

  1. Sterile triangular bandages
  2. Crepe or elasticated bandages
  3. Cotton wool
  4. Paper handkerchiefs
  5. Perforated film absorbent dressing (2 of each size)
  6. Strong plastic or metal box
  7. Calamine lotion or cream
  8. Adhesive dressing grip
  9. Plan bandages
  10. Finger-size tabular gauze with applicator
  11. Paracetamol or soluble aspirin
  12. Scissors, 5 inch, blunt pointed
  13. Safety pins
  14. Tweezers (Fine - pointed)
  15. White gauze (Sterile and Absorbent)

The home First Aid Kit should be stored in a strong, clearly marked box with a well fitting lid. The kit must be kept handy, but completely out of a child's reach. The contents must be refreshed regularly - dressing packs must be replaced once opened.

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