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Unconsciousness (fainting)

Unconsciousness or insensibility is due to interruption of the action of the brain due to certain causes. It is an important indication, not only of disease or injury to the brain but also of many serious injuries or diseases of other parts of the body.

Common causes of cnconsciousness
1. Shock
2. Asphyxia
3. Poisoning
4. Head injury
5. Apoplexy
6. Epilepsy
7. Hysteria
8. Infantile convulsion
9. Heat storke
10. Diabetic coma
11. Heart attack
12. Syncope
13. Hypolgycaemia or insulin overdose

Do's and don'ts in an unconscious patient
1. Do remember to check the patient's breathing before you do anything else.
2. Do remove anything, such as a pillow from under the patient's head, if he is breathing
   with difficulty.
3. Do not attempt to give food or fluids, while the casualty is unconscious. The fluid will
    run into the windpipe. Even if he responds vaguely to touch and speech, his ability to      
    swallow is impaired.
4. Don't twist or turn the neck when moving the head, in case there has been some injury
    to the upper part of the spinal column.
5. When the patient returns to complete consciousness, you may moisten his lips
    with water. Unless an abdominal injury is suspected, sips of cold water may be given, if
    he complains of thirst.


Fainting, known medically as 'syncope' is sudden loss of consciousness, usually preceded by a feeling of weakness and dizziness and sometimes nausea as well.

Coping with Fainting

1. If you feel faint, lie down or sit with your head between your knees so that blood can
   flow to the brain quickly.
2. Loosen any tight clothing around the neck.
3. Put a handkerchief or sponge soaked and wrung in cold water on the forehead.
4. If fainting is accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhoea, it is probably due to intestinal     
    infection. Do avoid dehydration, the patient must take regular amount of fluids.

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