*Sthiti: Place a fourfold blanket on the ground and sit on the knees.
Interlock the fingers, make a convenient angle (say 60 degrees)
with your forearms, forming an equilateral triangle on the ground. Place the centre of the
head (Vide note) on the blanket in between the fingers locks. Support the back of the head
by the interlocked fingers.
Now raise the knees, keeping the toes on the ground. Bring the
thighs near the chest and when it touches the chest, lift the toes off the ground slowly.
Bring the trunk perpendicular to the flood, Fold the leg so that the feet touch the
Raise the bent knees up, till the thigh come parallel to the
Now straighten the legs, so that the body stands perpendicular to
the ground. Maintain the posture for a minute in a very relaxed way; normal breathing.
*Return to Sthiti through 5 to 8.
BENEFITS: Due to improved
circulation to the brain the whole nervous system becomes healthy. Memory power gets
improved. Endocrine glands such as the pituitary, and the thyroid get revitalized. Helpful
in hernia. Seminar weakness can be cured. Improves concentration power remarkably.
Caution: Those having running ears, heart trouble, high blood pressure and weak
eye capillaries should not practice Sirsasana.
Note: Some 'School of Yoga' are of the opinion that the front part of the
head is preferable. |