Repayment in easy instalments spread upto 20 years, based on your age and capacity. You
may prepay at will with no penalty, or pay more than your stipulated monthly instalment at
any time, depending upon availability of funds with you. This would enable you to pay off
your loan faster and reduce your interest burden.
A charge by way of mortgage on the property being financed. Other tangible security may be
required where mortgage is not possible or during the construction period.
of loan:
These are considered selectively to enable you to take advantage of our low rates.
We also give in-principle approvals based on your income and capacity to repay, to enable
you to identify a house/ flat with full confidence.
( The terms and conditions of these loans differ from those offered by SBI Home Loans
Ltd., a subsidiary of SBI ). All loans are at the sole discretion of the Bank.