With time, you will know when your baby's
health demands calling a doctor and when it does not. Until then, dont hesitate to
call your doctor whenever you have a question.
Middle-of-the-night calls
If your baby is ill and youre concerned, dont worry about what time it is.
Call your doctor if your baby has these symptoms: |
Temperature |
a. If your baby under 3 months has a rectal temperature
of more than 100.4�F.
b. If your older baby has a temperature of more than 101�F.
c. If your baby has an elevated temperature for more than 24 hours. |
Skin temperature |
a. If your baby feels too hot or too cold. |
Skin color |
a. If your baby has a change in skin appearance
b. for example, a rash, mottling, or redness. Or, if babys skin
appears blue. |
Behavior |
a. If your baby exhibits abrupt or prolonged changes from
his normal behavior, such as irritability
or hyperactivity.
b. If your baby cries inconsolably for no reason.
c. If your baby is sluggish or drowsy for long periods. |
Bowel movements |
a. If your baby has unexpected changes in his bowel
b. If your baby has darkened stools.
c. If your baby has mucus in his stools.
d. If your baby has blood in his stools.
e. If your baby has severe or prolonged constipation or diarrhea. |
Urination |
a. If your baby has a low volume over a 24-hour period.
b. If your baby has blood in his urine. |
Swollen glands |
a. If your baby has swollen glands in his neck or
abdomen. |
Vomiting |
a. If your baby vomits over a prolonged period or vomits
forcefully after every feeding. |
Mucus |
a. If your babys mucus is green. |
Coughing |
a. If your baby has a prolonged cough. |
Tenderness |
a. If your baby shows that an area is tender to the
touch. |
Breathing |
a. If your baby has difficulty breathing, especially if
the breathing is noisy and rapid.
Keeping baby happy at the
doctors office
Going to the doctors office for routine medical checkups should be a positive
experience for your child and an informative and reassuring one for you. Here are some
tips for keeping baby happy when you visit the doctor. |
a. Try to schedule the
appointment at a time when your baby is normally awake and not fussy.
b. Make sure baby is well fed before you go. Bring along an extra bottle
of expressed breastmilk
or formula just in case or decide how comfortable youll be
breastfeeding in the waiting room.
c. Take advantage of the toys in the waiting room to entertain baby.
Doctors often have an
assortment of toys for children of various ages.
d. Bring along a book your baby enjoys reading or take a book along from
the waiting room when
you go into an examining room.
e. Try, as your child grows, to help her understand that the doctor is a
friend whose goal is to see
children healthy and happy.