Sama 2014 events for children, July 19th
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/23/2014 - 18:41
Venue of the contest :- auden institute of education,
#6, banashankari-3rd stage, hoskerehalli, bangalore-85
Date:- 19th july, please do visit
Attractive prizes for children
Cont no:- 9591949802
Contest 1 – model making competition .
The model shall be based on any scientific theme and should clearly illustrate the underlying principle. Arrangements for putting up the display will be made by the academy. The student is expected to send a small write up , by mail posted to a week in advance, to the academy, with suitable
Diagrams/ photographs explaining the model and the theme. The exhibit / model shall be brought to the venue on 18th at 5.00pm. The students should be present in the venue at 7.00am sharp on 19th morning. Facilities like extension board and the like shall also be brought by the participant. No electricity facility will be provided. The participant is also expected to demonstrate and explain the exhibit to fellow participants/ visitors.
Contest 2 : poster making:-contestants are required to make posters giving interesting tips to maintain good health, preserve and protect our natural resources and environment, social/civic responsibilities. The posters shall be about a full sized chart paper with a title and shall be brought to the venue for display and evaluation on the 19th of july. 2014.
The student is also expected to take a photograph of the poster and mail to a week in advance, to the academy. Best photo also will be awarded with a prize. A special prize for the first three registered entries on 19th july is planned – early bird gets the prize.
Contest 3- describe the parts and functioning of your heart
Contestants are required to draw a neat diagram of the longitudinal section of the heart, label the parts, and
Describe the functioning of the heart. Contestants are required to draw the sketch using their own materials, at the venue .time duration : 45’
Contest 4 - pencil sketching; topic – rendezvous in a science fair contestants are required to draw the sketch using their own materials, at the venue.
Contest 5 : observations in your kitchen – a scientific explanation to them
Any mother/father / child can take part in the event. The contesting parent / child are expected to identify
Three interesting observations in their kitchen and give a scientific explanation to them. The competitors shall write down the explanation in not more than 200 words per observation in English on the day of the competition in an a4 size sheet.
Contest 6:- essay on electricity and measures to save electricity :- (max-500words)
Contest 7: write a short note on “laughter – the best medicine” . Narrate 3 good jokes you have heard. (contest is also for school children & public)
Contest 8: pencil sketching of any of the following luminaries: sir. M. Visweswariah / dr. Abdul kalam/ dr. C.n.r.rao / cricketeer sri sachin tendulkar
Contest 9:- write any two stories from mahabharatha and your observation as an intellectual inference.
Contest 10:- cartoon pencil sketching of dr. Abdul kalam (president of India) or Sri Sachin Tendulkar (Indian cricketer)
Contest 11:- where ever you are, just take a digital photograph of any civic problems in your neighbour hood and mail it with a suitable title and message limited to hundred words to on or before 15th july. Personally register on the 19th july @ 7.30am in the venue of the contest. Prizes will be awarded depending upon the clarity of the photograph and the gravity of the situation reported along with the possible remedies suggested by you.
Contest 12:- essay on- ‘effects of alcohol, tobacco & drugs on human health’.