Education in Bangalore
The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) was established in 1973 to offer management courses in the proposed institute at Bangalore to bright young people, who were expected to occupy important managerial positions in the public sector. IIMB has world-class infrastructure that facilitates excellence in teaching, research, consulting and...

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) was started in 1909 through the pioneering vision of J.N. Tata. Since then, it has grown into a premier institution of research and advanced instruction, with more than 2000 active researchers working in almost all frontier areas of science and technology. IISc is an institute of higher learning and is...

The professional legal education at NLSIU has an integrated curriculum encompassing knowledge of Social Science subjects appropriate for the development of lawyers, knowledge and has been observed as the first ground of experiment. Over the years, it has been observed that knowledge in the field of History, Philosophy, Literature, Sociology,...

Pre-University, is the most important and critical phase in the system of education in India, because it is at this stage that the student has to decide on the specialization to pursue in future. Whether it will be Arts, Commerce, Science or Vocational training, which can later lead to higher education. In Karnataka, Pre-University Education comes...

We at KSEEB, as part of our constant endeavour to get closer to our students have come up with a dedicated web site. This site provides all the information one needs to know as an SSLC student. Clarifications on various issues regarding admissions, examinations or any other topic can be found here. Exam results are also available online. You can...

Take a complete C.V. - It must mention your name, age, educational qualification, job experience starting with the current one, goal in life, extra curricular activities, languages known, special achievements, references, contact address.
Know the company well before attending the interview. - About their activities, products, clients, people,...