How to face an interview?

- Take a complete C.V. - It must mention your name, age, educational qualification, job experience starting with the current one, goal in life, extra curricular activities, languages known, special achievements, references, contact address.
- Know the company well before attending the interview. - About their activities, products, clients, people, culture, overall perception.
- Understand the nature of the job you have applied for. - Responsibilities, authorities, reporting structure, skills required.
- Go well dressed. - In formals preferably wearing Tie or even a neat shirt & trouser will do.
- Conduct yourself in the interview. - -
- Wish the interviewer when met.
- Your voice & body language should reflect interest & enthusiasm in the job/company.
- Sound confident while answering.
- Never feel ashamed to say ' No' if you don't know the answer.
- Never bluff.
- Remember
- You have a right to question. - About the nature of the job, hierarchy structure, compensation package, career path.
- There is no compulsion to join the organization because it is interested in you. You have a right to accept or refuse.