Book Stalls

“Reading is to the mind exercise is to the body” Sir Richard Steele
Over 2000 titles in various categories
Best Collection of Books in Business, Management, Finance etc.
Harvard Business Review books
Fiction & Children Books
English & Regional Magazines.
Hours: 10.00am to 1.00pm and 4.00pm to 8.00pm, Tuesdays Holiday

Books & Magazines Rent, Read & Return
We are books Circulating Library Thousands of books.
Wide range of Magazines
Member ship Fee Rs.150
Special Offers for Students & Senior Citizens.
Good Display
Modern Ambiance
Friendly Staff
Reading room with Café attached
We also sell Books & Magazines. We also take orders for school,...

The store with an area of 2000 sq ft has both national and international magazines on every possible topic including motorbikes, health, photography and housekeeping. Also available are the back issues of various magazines.
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