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Predictions for the year  ( January - December)

S K Jain





  -  May 4th Warning
  -  Muhurat
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  -  Year 2000 Predictions


  -  A.B.Vajpayee
  -  S.M.Krishna


      Mesha (Aries)
      Vrishabha (Taurus)
      Mithuna (Gemini)
      Karka (Cancer)
      Simha (Leo)
      Kanya (Virgo)
      Tula (Libra)
      Vrishchika (Scorpio)
      Dhanur (Sagittarius)
      Makhara (Capricorn)
      Kumbha (Aquarius)
      Meena (Pisces)




You will get elders property, living in a place outside, right time to buy land, asset etc., time to come out of dependency, a happy time in the family, benefit from friends, strain due to over traveling, mental pressure, have patience.


Most of the work pending last month will be completed, financial earnings from all sides, your enemies will be set back, you will be happy, do your duties on your own accord, be careful in long distance travel.


Good health, curiosity in the new studies, progress in the business, you will have honour, and pride in your new job, financial benefit from a lady, a good function at home, you will succeed by the mercy of the higher officials, be careful.


Take care of your health, though you cannot save everything, at least don't waste savings, be careful in food, be friendly with brothers, be ready to hear harsh talk.


Pay attention towards health, progress in the profession, happy married life, a new area of job, happy journey, happy functions at home, take care during long journey.


Family dispute, pinpricks at home, success against enemies outside, you will succeed in all your attempts, though you have good income, no happiness, be careful about your talk, hold your tongue.


Prosperity in the job, appreciation from your higher authorities, avoid petty disputes, high income and jewellery purchase, you will spend money through a lady, you will succeed in government job.


Mixed results, you will get a bad name in your efforts, the second half of the month is favourable, you will be free from enemies, you will gain land, money, jewellery, etc., government may take hold of your property, you will have support of higher powers, change in profession, riches come to you in the end.


Mixed results, co-operation from elders and relatives, you will achieve concentration in jobs and family will be happy, you will have lots of money but no peace, no family harmony. By month end you gain fame but you are not happy, you will succeeded in all attempts.


Good result, desires fulfilled, be clever in work, you will earn money, lost property comes back, good time for politicians, good progress.


Good health, all attempts will be successful, you will gain name, fame, money, benefit from vehicle, promotion, good friends, happy functions.


Insult from higher authorities, sudden decision causes many troubles, you will pay fine to government. By month end you get the job, a lady will be lucky for you, don't travel long distance.


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