MAA Security Services Pvt. Ltd.
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MAA Security Services Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading security Services Company based in Bangalore. Is with committed work force of 1500+ and its an ever expanding customer base of 100+ in the corporate, hospitals, institutions retail, commercial and housing complexes, has been growing steadily with its unique and customized customer care and services.
We understand our customers’ needs and make the promise. A promise that becomes a practice of delivery & Commitment.
We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified security company which ensures our systematic approach to market needs and differentiates us from the peers. And, obviously, our customer retention and satisfaction levels are always beyond the expectations…
MANAGEMENT - Managed by an experienced team of professionals from Security and allied services. Well Structured organization under the MD & CEO Experienced Senior management is in charge of day to day field operations. Focused operation-segmented to areas with area operational in charges. Security services to Industries, Corporate Offices. Hospitals, Hotels, Institutions retail, commercial & Housing Security services to Apartment complexes. Security Planning and Consultancy. Fire prevention Control, first Aid and evacuation. Provision of Electronic surveillance system Protection against Physical & Mental Threats. Individual ancient Verification. Collection of Intelligence Information Training on Security Awareness Escort Duty. 24 hrs MAA Immediate Response.
- Satish (G.M)
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