Numag Data Systems Pvt Ltd
Claim this pageNumag Data Systems Pvt Ltd is a organization of technologists with vast experience in computer hardware and software design. We specialise in developing embedded systems for niche market applications. We offer high level of technical skill and competence in the domain of Embedded systems. We have a range of products for Protocol Converters, RS485 networks, RS232/RS485 Converters, Serial Multiplexing, Device networking, Time Delay Relay Energy Savers, and Automated Lamp testing Solutions. We also have undertaken projects for defence applications such as Heat Stress Monitoring and Sound Ranging and a number of machine vision applications
The first product we made in 1989 - the SYSLOCK-B for Banking security - was meant to address data and access security for PCs used in Banks and is still being used in a large number of Banks in India.
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