Centre for Initiatives in Science & Environment Education – CISEE
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CISEE has been founded by Disha for Education Development, a non-profit organization aimed at promoting love for science and Environment in young children (5 to 12years).
Khoj Hands on Science program. This program helps a child discover the world of science through loads of simple. joyful and exciting hands on activities / experiments on a broad spectrum of topics like Heat, Sound, Force, Static Electricity Light, Water, Air, Magnetism, Kitchen Science and others.
This program takes science From abstraction to a fun filled, enjoyable and interesting pursuit wherein a child discovers and understands scientific processes and phenomenon with experiments / activities Using absolutely simple and easily available materials like balloons, straws, thread, spool , candles etc., This is aimed at developing in each child.
Green Kids program: Green Kids program aims to develop understanding and appreciation for our environment and encourages children to take responsible actions and e-press their love to mother earth. The green kids journey takes children through arrange of exiting activities including field trips, hands on activities and many more.
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