eCityindia (Online Shopping)
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For the busy Bangalore an, is hard pressed for time shopping is an arduous task! Going to the supermarket, picking up all that you need for your home, pushing your shopping cart amidst fellow shoppers and finally ending up in the long queue at the billing counter. . Shopping doesn't end by this! Carrying it and dumping it at ordeal!
To supplement this task, a new Bangalore city-centric portal eCityindia makes shopping a hassle-free experience Says. Arun Sundaram “This concept aims to help the busy Bangalorean to shop when he / she is free either from office or home, and ensure that quality time is spent with the family, rather than spending more hours in the local supermarket". He goes- on to add, though the delivery is restricted to Bangalore, a son / daughter who is abroad can shop for their parents who live here, without much botheration.
eCityindia has around 6000 branded items in its' portfolio. From monthly groceries to toiletries to baby foods to soft drinks, you name it...eCityindia has them.
One has to first register at to avail this facility. Once registered, you can start your shopping. This is a simple portal that resembles your shopping list and has all the items placed under various specific categories for your navigational benefit. All you have to do is enter the quantity against the item you wish to purchase and a simple click will add the item to the shopping Cart.
Once, you are done…Check the cart and proceed to the payment section, make an online payment using your debit card (most of the popular banks debit cards are accepted) or your credit card and simply process your order. The deliveries usually take two working days. The payment is secure and eCityindia has tied up with VeriSign, a secure payment gateway. The minimum order is 1000 rupees. eCityindia also offer shopping deals during specific occasions, apart from ensuring that all products are checked for quality and expiry dates.
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