Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Half-Twist posture)

*Start with Sthiti.
*This is named after a great Yogi, Matsyendra.

  1. Bend the right leg at the knee and place the heel tight against the perineum.
  2. Keep the foot of the left leg by the side of the right thigh near the knee.
  3. Bring the right hand round the outer side of the left knee passing between the chest and the knee and catch hold of the left big toe. The right shoulder blade rests on the outer side of the left knee.
  4. Now take the left hand round the back and try to catch the right thigh. Look back over the left shoulder, (The erect knee acts as a fulcrum for getting maximum twist of the spine). Keep the trunk vertical. Do not sit on the heels. Maintain for sometimes.

BENEFITS: This lateral twist makes the spine elastic. All the spinal nerves are toned up. Helps to cure constipation and dyspepsia. A useful posture for diabetes and kidney troubles. Abdominal girth is reduced.