Claim this pageCorporate valuers of land & building, Plant & machinery, vehicles, all movable & immovable assets, Approved for banks, financial institution, government approved
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Loan scheme for Ready built office/ construction of new office building, Acquisition of land/ building/ commercial spac and Construction of godowns and warehouses
Loan scheme for (a) Ready built office/ construction of new office building Firms and companies which have been in operation for at least 5 years with a successful track record...Ampere Vehicles Pvt Ltd.

Assistance for Acquiring Indigenous or Imported Second Hand Machinery
The unit which are in existence for a minimum period if 2 years, working profitably and regular in repayment of loans availed by any financial institutions/ commercial banks are...Sales Tax
Documents required for obtaining Subsidy: Sales tax exemption/ deferment: Application Details of sales tax Copy of Project Report Details of investment made on plant and...Sree Parijatha. Machinery Works

Greater Bangalore Eco Assets Pvt Ltd

Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd

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