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Tips for travelling with Babies

You are eagerly looking forward to that long-awaited vacation but you're really nervous about taking baby along. You don't know how she's going to enjoy the trip and if she'll let you enjoy it. Don't fret.

Babies have the wanderlust because anything new is a source of learning. In fact it would be great if you could take baby along. All you need to do is take a few precautions.

You'll definitely need to carry a separate bag for baby because she has her own needs. Take plenty of diapers, preferably disposable ones, along with bags that can be disposed of at garbage bins. Baby wipes are needed along with lots of changes of clothes, 'formula' if your baby is on the bottle and a few goodies to keep nibbling at.

Take plenty of boiled water, especially if you're travelling in summer, and some hot water in a flask to be able to mix the formula. The hot water will also come in handy to sterilise the feeding bottle though it would be preferable to carry disposable bottles.

Then there's always the fear that baby is going to fall sick. So take a few over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol or a cold syrup. It's also advisable to take along a file of all the prescriptions made by your paediatrician so that you can always use it in case of an emergency.

When summer's around can mosquitoes be far behind? If you're planning a holiday in a particularly hot place, take a mosquito repellent which is suitable for babies (check with your doctor, though Autan is a safe bet).

It would be better not to get too adventurous about your holiday destination. Avoid going to very high altitude places because your baby is bound to have a problem with breathing. If you're travelling in winter to cold places, take plenty of woollies, no matter what the airlines and railways tell you about travelling light. Remember that baby comes first.

Travelling by air has its advantages and disadvantages. The time factor is an advantage but there's absolutely no place for baby to play and chances are she'll be on your lap throughout the journey because she won't get a seat. But you can always ask the airline for a basket for the baby. Food shouldn't be a problem. If you're planning to travel abroad, check the duration of the flight because baby's bound to be bored to tears.

Also remember to give baby a drink while takeoff and landing because the change in the altitudes can cause discomfort to her in the ears. Also plug her ears with cotton while travelling. You may also find that on landing she will empty her bowels. So be prepared!

Don't take baby to the lavatory with you because there just isn't space for the two of you and sudden changes in altitude can throw you dangerously off balance.

Travelling by car and train are much easier. The advantage of travelling by car is that you can stop as and when you please so that your baby can use up some of her pent up energy. But remember to set out early, especially in summer, to avoid the heat and the traffic. Also make sure that you don't embark on very long car journeys.

The movement of trains lulls babies to sleep and there's the added advantage of space so you can every now and then take her for a walk down the aisle. You could also consider spreading out a mat on the floor of your compartment and let baby loose. Take plenty of eatables for your journey because food on the train and platforms might not suit your baby's stomach.

The toughest part of your journey's over once you've reached your destination. Take a baby carrier so that you can tie baby to yourself and your hands remain free. Also, when you leave your hotel room take food and water with you, a spare dress, some milk and a few diapers.

Avoid going out during her naptime because she's bound to get cranky preventing her from having a good time and ruining your holiday. Choose restaurants that are spacious, where she can move around without you getting dirty looks from neighbouring tables.

Check out the following shops for baby's stuff:

Gandhi Bazar,
Bangalore- 500 004.
Ph: 6614869

455/1,Sampige Road,
Bangalore- 560 003
Ph: 3366529.A

28, Shrungar Complex
M.G. Road,
Bangalore- 500 001
Ph: 5594268

7/1, Ulsoor Road,
Bangalore- 500 047
Ph: 5596104, 5596105.

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