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Vikrama Ugadi Parva

Yet again we are at the threshold of a new year, and yet again it brings with it promises of success, happiness, peace and prosperity. This year, according to the Hindu calendar, is called VIKRAMA. The year, with a name that suggests courage, success and triumph, will begin on the 5th of April 2000 at the exact time when the sun and the moon are in the ‘Meena rashi’, or the ‘Pisces’ constellation. It is indeed going to be a glorious day!

According to the Hindu calendar, we are now in the 5101st year of the KALIYUGA and the year 1922 of the SHALIVAHANA SHAKA. So we are already in the 2nd century of the 6th millennium, while the western world is still starting the 2nd millennium! On 5th of April 2000, we shall be entering the first month of CHAITRA. This will be followed by VAISHAKA, JYESHTA, AASHADA, SHRAVANA, BHAADRAPADA, ASHWAYUJA, KARTHIKA, MARGASHIRA, PUSHYA, MAAGHA and PHALGUNA.

The first day of the new year, CHAITRA-PADYA, is celebrated as YUGADI (literally meaning ‘the beginning of the year’) in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. On this day, it is customary to worship the Sun God, who heralds the beginning of each new day, and the ‘Panchanga’, the ephemery that carries predictions on the general features of the New Year. A ‘prasadam’ of ‘Bevu-Bella’ (a mixture of neem and jaggery in equal measure) is prepared and distributed to all the members and visitors to the house on that day. This denotes the token acceptance by man of all the sweet (jaggery) and bitter (neem) things that are in store for him in the coming year, with gratitude. For life is never always sweet, nor is all bitterness. A healthy dose of both is what one should expect, and be prepared for, and accept with good grace. YUGADI reminds us, year after year, of this basic truth.

Here is wishing each and everyone a very happy and successful new year, with futures mapped out, aspirations realized, goals met, and finally, contentment in your achievement!

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