Bangalore Development Authority

The Bangalore Development Authority came into existence in 1976 as a successor to the erstwhile City Improvement Trust Board. Development of Bangalore in a planned manner, creating quality infrastructure, provision of sites and services and catering to the housing needs of the under privileged are the focus areas of the BDA. Since inception, the BDA has allotted 76,000 sites to individuals for construction of residential dwellings. In addition, more than 800 civic amenity sites have been given for use by various public utilities, as also organisation, catering to the felt needs of the particular locality.
The now well-known extensions of Bangalore , the Jayanagar, Rajajinagar, Indira Nagar, Palace Upper Orchard, Koramangala were developed by the City Improvement Trust Board (Now The Bangalore Development Authority). The C.I.T.B. developed number of residential extension schemes in different parts of the City on a planned basis and has met a considerable part of the demand for developed house sites. Besides developing residential sites, the C.I.T.B. developed and industrial suburb and also took up road widening schemes - an important road being the B.V.K. Iyengar Road .
During the existence of nearly 30 years of the City Improvement Trust Board of Bangalore (Now The Bangalore Development Authority), it distributed 68,300 sites for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional purposes in the City. It is worthwhile noting that nearly 40% of these were allotted to the economically weaker sections of the Society.
The Trust Board in fact took a major decision in keeping with the new awakening in the country about creating an atmosphere of Social justice and equality to grant 50% concession in the price to the economically weaker sections of the people.
Contacts of Bangalore Development Authority:
Public Relations Wing
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Tel: 23464064
BDA Phone Numbers: 23442271, 23442273, 23442274, 23368615, 23445005
IVR number of Bangalore Development Authority- 155302
(To Register Complaint- 24 hours)
Public are requested to contact the following officers for any problem, grievances relating to BDA maintained layouts and outer ring road, for redressal.
Engineering Department
Executive Engineer (North)
RT Nagar Shopping complex
Tel: 23336636
Executive Engineer (East)
Koramangala Shopping Complex
Tel: 25531388
Executive Engineer (West)
Vijayanagar Shopping Complex
Tel: 23381479
Executive Engineer (South)
Banashankari II Stage Shopping Complex
Tel: 26712969
Bangalore Development Authority Website: