Prana Healthcare
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Who is Prana?
Prana Healthcare Enablers Pvt a new age “family physician” providing personalized compassionate health care in the comfort of home, office, or hotel room. Backed by technology, our Doctors are empowered to take care of you in health and disease.
What Do We Do?
We provide immediate and scheduled, personalized care for you and your loved ones from MBBS Doctors who make house calls. These MBBS doctors are backed by technology in the form of app, electronic health record and a panel of specialists who are available over phone to guide and support. We also have “Primary Clinics” that are staffed by MBBS Doctors and facilitate follow up care through teleconsultation. Teleconsultations are also offered as a stand alone service for customers who take Prana memebership. All laboratory investigations and pharmacy delivery is provided at your doorstep.
Why Do We Do This?
To fill the gap in primary care - We all need family physician doctors who care, listen, treat and guide us during our health and disease. For elderly, bedridden and for people who are too sick to get out of their bed, a visit by a doctor to their home is very comforting and aides in faster recovery. It saves time spent in traveling and waiting for doctors at hospitals or clinics. For routine and minor ailments patients are very happy to utilize primary care services. For people who have multiple chronic diseases, a family physician acts as an anchor and guide. Prana Healthcare helps you navigate the health care maze by being available to you in health and disease.
How Do We Do This?
We have established partnerships with large number of doctors who contribute from one hour a day to more than 8 hours a day. We also employ doctors in part-time/full time capacity. Quality is ensured by training, operating procedures, technology (app with electronic health record) and a panel of specialist doctors.
We have a Doctor app which helps the doctor to either accept or decline a request. This gives the doctor the complete freedom to work and earn at her/his convenience.
The customer can make a request by telephone, website or app. We have membership packages which are tailored to customer needs.
How Do You Benefit?
Customer: Saves time, energy, money and gets a trusted family doctor.
MBBS Doctor: While you study for your entrance examination you can earn money and gain clinical exposure by doing home visit which does not take more than one or two hour per day.
Academic Faculty in Medical College- Doctors who work in pre and para medical branches have the opportunity to do clinical work in their non-duty hours. Using the app you always have the liberty to accept or decline the request.
Emerging Specialists & Super-Specialists- You gain by being a Specialist on Prana Panel. Exposure to patients and referring doctors helps build your network.
Senior Specialists,busy practitioners& hospitals- We supplement on your behalf when you are not able to do home visits and update you. Prana doctor doing the home visit on your behalf will have a telephonic conversation with you before signing off. We act as your extended arm and help in optimizing your time utilization.
How You Can Help?
If you are a doctor please get in touch with us to explore how you can benefit by partnering with Prana. App for doctors is by invitation only, please contact us to get it.
If you are an administrator in a Hospital or Medical College-please help us to spread this message to doctors. We will be happy to meet you and your staff. We also offer extended services under your brand to offer continuity of care for your customers.
Schools: We offer very attractive solution for healthcare needs of your children and staff.
Corporates & Organizations: We tailor healthcare solutions to you. Get in touch with us to know how you can ensure employee productivity and also save money.
Customers: Get in touch with us to know about membership packages. Please download our customer app and spread the word about us.
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