Legaleye Associates
Claim this pageLegaleye Associates is a full service law firm in India, with its offices in Mumbai, Pune and Delhi and network offices in all other major cities of India. The firm is best known for its expertise in Civil, Corporate and Commercial practice. The firm has an active admiralty, real estate and litigation practice. Lawyers at the firm have represented both multinational and Indian companies in a variety of transactions. The Firm is committed towards providing commercially oriented legal advice and services in relation to all sectors of the economy. Legaleye Associates adopts a proactive approach to the legal and commercial issues faced by its clients and aims to provide qualitatively superior and cost-effective solutions adaptable to businesses and investments and emerging global markets.
Legaleye Associates supports its clients in all spheres of corporate law throughout India and internationally through partnership networks with leading local firms in almost all countries and major jurisdictions. Lawyers at the firm have extensive experience and wide exposure. Lawyers at the Firm have represented a number of large, small and medium businesses, multinational corporations, fortune 500 companies as well as Public Sector Undertakings, Ministries and Government Authorities.
The firm's practice areas include corporate & commercial law, real estate, intellectual property as well as arbitration and litigation. The firm's lawyers also have considerable experience in cross border transactions in the areas of joint ventures, foreign collaborations, technology transfer, mergers and acquisitions, as well as in assisting its clients in establishing wholly owned subsidiaries in India. Legaleye Associates has an excellent track record of successful recovery of claims arising from a commercial/ contractual obligation.
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