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Its Nikaara, the home decor store everyone's talking about!!!
- "It is a beautiful concept and we are delighted to find it in our neighborhood."
- "Homely feel, looks like hand-picked collection."
- "Very refreshing. Feast for the eyes"
- "Gorgeous start. Very different stuff. I practically like everything!"
- "Very nice collection & value for money."
- "It's world under one roof beautiful"
- "Feel very proud for having this kind of shop in Whitefield."
- And many more...
As you visit 'Nikaara' also may find interest in followings . . .

The Collection - UB City

Opulence Home Decor

A Doll's House- Deepika Govind's bridal collection
Bangalore's Wedding Designs Spirited, daring and distinct, Deepika Govind's, bridal collection, ‘A Doll's House', is a tribute to the woman of today. Drawing inspiration from...The Bombay Store - (Gifts and Decor)

Tips for Healthy Eyes
To clean your eyes thoroughly, wash them with cold water. Splash water into your eyes for best results. If your eyes are strained, soak cotton balls in chilled water or...Toscano

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