First Aid for Burns

  1. Run cold water over the area of the burn or soak it in a cold water (not ice water) bath. After which cover the burn with a sterile bandage or clean cloth
  2. Protect the burn from pressure and friction.
  3. Medication may be used to help relieve the pain. They may also help reduce inflammation and swelling.
  4. If your cloth catch fire, STOP, DROP & ROLL. If someone is on fire, douse water if it is available wrap the victim in thick, non-synthetic material and lay the victim flat and roll him on the ground.
  5. Do not remove burnt clothing (unless it comes off easily), but do ensure that the victim is not still in contact with smoldering materials.
  6. If someone is on fire, either douse him or her with water if it is available, wrap the victim in thick, non-synthetic material such as a wool or cotton coat, rug, or blanket to smother the flames, or lay the victim flat and roll him or her on the ground.
  7. Make sure the burn victim is breathing; if not if the breathing has stopped the victim can be given artificial respiration(CPR).
  8. If breathing is not a problem, cover the area of the burn with a cool, moist sterile bandage (if available) of clean cloth. Do not apply any ointments. Avoid breaking burn blisters.
  9. If fingers or toes have been burned, separate them with dry, sterile, non-adhesive dressings.
  10. Continue to monitor the victim's vital signs (pulse, rate of breathing, blood pressure) until medical help arrives.